Allocations Overview

The different investment choices inside a policy are known as subaccounts. Subaccounts are usually mutual funds or fixed savings options. When establishing the policy, owners choose the subaccounts they want their premiums to be invested into each time a premium payment is made. These selections are called allocations.

Allocations can be set-up for specific types of policies. A default allocation is often used to hold premium until the policy reaches the Free Look or Cooling Period end date. Then the monies are directed to the specific allocations required by the product.

OIPA functionality supports allocations that display either specific funds, fund classes or fund models. Allocations can be selected and defined at various levels in OIPA.

  • Policy level: set allocations for a specific policy. From the Policy screen, click the Left Navigation menu link for Allocations.
  • Plan level: view allocations that apply to all policies on a plan. From the Plan main menu, click Plan | Plan Allocations.
  • Activity level: set allocations for a specific activity. From the Add Activity window, which opens when the Add Activity link is clicked on the Secondary menu, set allocations using the Allocation link at the top of the window.